Kenneth Rosa, Media Director addressed the Joint Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect at Missouri Capitol in November 2021. Here is his address to the Committee:

Thank you Madam Chair and the Committee for taking action against the unacceptable issues facing our nationwide children but more importantly the children of Missouri.

My name is Kenneth Rosa with the Fathers Rights Movement. At the center of both sides of the family court through DSS or family court is the feeding frenzy for monetized incentives and that parents are guilty until proven innocent. We witness what that means when the director of the entire Missouri DSS institution Jennifer Tidball has been accused of stealing children for her own personal gain through her agency. How is this not a conflict of interest? We’re all aware of the allegations of not reporting the missing children. Missouri made the national news for sex trafficking our foster children and somehow Tidball is not being prosecuted She should be held accountable for her actions. We the people would be if my own child were missing and not reported while being sex trafficked. Here are a few of the headlines that have plagued Missouri in the last few months. Bio mom who’s twins are being fostered by head of dss says she’s being treated unfairly: Springfield news- leader concerning Tidball. Missouri social services lost foster kids to sex trafficking, and all GOP lawmakers cans do is say they’re disappointed - PJ Media, one of the top 10 conservative news publications in the USA. Great Circle, the largest provider of residential psychiatric treatment for juveniles (mainly in foster care) in Missouri, announced February 15 2021 that it will shut down its residential treatment program in Webster Groves, a suburb of St. Louis.
The FBI raided them on February 2, 2021 due to alleged child abuse. The Missouri Department of Social Services had suspended placements there on January 22, 2021. Webster Groves police arrested three of their employees on suspicion of child abuse. The nonprofit’s former CEO, Vincent Hillyer, was charged with child abuse in 2019.
Great Circle has 12 other residential facilities in Missouri for juvenile psychiatric treatment which so far remain open, although the FBI raid included their facility near St. James, Missouri. We have made family courts so profitable that people set up private companies to enrich themselves at the expenses of our children and to the esteemed reps point we have no safeguards to review their yearly contracts. One of the most comprehensive studies of foster care abuse conducted by a watchdog group in 2004 cited finding that 25 percent of Missouri children in foster care suffered abuse. Multiple organizations conducting comprehensive research in systemwide foster care abuse have concluded that a child is 10 times more likely to be abused in foster care than with their biological parents. Why are taxpayers left to be responsible for multi million dollar lawsuits settlements of these appointed individuals like Tidball for violating the most scared of our citizens, our children? There is zero oversight and accountability for their actions in this arena of family court of state funded court actors. The other side of this corruption is the divorce courts of the family court arena. Missouri passed a presumption of equal shared parenting in SB1550 with a facts findings and conclusions bill enacted in 2016. We are finding that the judges skirt the law and only abide by it if you request those facts findings and conclusions. They are in essence ignoring the color of the law the legislature intended to hold judges accountable and safe guard parents and Missouri children. They are ignoring your powers and guidelines you have set. I am one of the parents that filed suit against my Saint Louis County Court actors for unethical and illegal stealing my children. It didn’t really make sense all my assets could be redistributed to the family court actors leaving me broke and penniless and my own children stolen from me until a leaked zoom video was released 5.5 years later. My GAL or guardian ad litem, Elaine Pudlowski, brags on video that they are running “Cash for Kids LLC” and that all the Saint Louis County Judges "are in on it" while they are case fixing. Even more concern to this legislator is the fact the oversight committee member Shavon Harris is who we are supposed to complain to if you have an ethical complaint with the Saint Louis GALs and attorneys. There are 37 of the 42 Saint Louis County GALs on this video with S. Harris coaching them to hide evidence from people like me or this body of lawmakers should we inquire about their paper trails. Why is the fox allowed to guard its own henhouse in DSS or family courts? There have been numerous families come forward since then to file suit against those court actors breaking federal and state law, along with Missouri Supreme Court guidelines on their conduct. To date and to my knowledge not one GAL has been removed. Not one judge. Not one person has been held accountable. Ignoring this issue will not make it go away. Ignoring it provides more cover to continue the abuses against our Missouri families. It encourages even more unethical and bad behavior. Judge Burton, the Chief Judge of Saint Louis County suddenly had a change of career heart and left Missouri selling off all his assets to pursue a new career after two decades of being a judge and finally reaching Chief Judge only to vacate less than 24 months into that position when the story broke over a year ago with his emails to prove he was case fixing the parents of his St. Louis County. All of our lawsuits are being dismissed. Not because they lack merit or credibility of laws being broken and wrong doing but because the court actors work for the state of Missouri and therefore have quasi judicial immunity. After missing 7 years of my children’s lives and over 40 plus interference with parental custody violations, I am finally out from under the life crushing rule of the Missouri family courts who attempted to felony prosecute me for refusing to pay child support during the 3 years I still have not seen my own son against a court order while ignoring the violations of parental time. I paid it off rather become a convicted felon. My now 19 year old daughter has left her other parents home and resides with me after I spent close to 50 thousand dollars getting divorced and over 6 figures after the divorce trying to hold someone accountable to see my children. I never wanted to be one of the 22-26 million fathers that haven’t seen their children in over a fiscal year. The state of Missouri allowed me to be placed there. Modifications Contempts and Laws are ignored on the DSS side and the judicial side of family court. Judges, gals, therapists, directors, DSS directors, have no accountability all because they quote unquote work for the state. The state of Missouri failed my children because the county and state are more interested in collecting federal child support reimbursement dollars through title IV-D of the social security act while ignoring the felony actions of a co-parent to deprive and abuse my children when they wanted something to do with their father and our parenting plan. No child should have to wait until they reach age to contact their other parent. Family courts are more interested in treating parents like dog fighting contestants than having a 50/50 equal shared parenting standard because it breeds chaos and billable hours for the lawyers, therapists, bar members and judges to continue to profit their elite clubs that parents and their children do not belong to. Poor parents simply have no chance. My GAL, Elaine Pudlowski pocketed my children’s entire future and brags about it 5 years later on video yet she still is making decisions over children today while we hold this very meeting to discuss the very real issue of DSS and family court abuses. Something is seriously wrong when false allegations can push a fit willing and able father out of their children’s live while a convicted child rapist is being forced into other child’s lives by one of those same Saint Louis County GALs. Something has got to change when mothers and fathers alike are killing their own children rather than face a family court setting. We must discuss Accountability. For the everyday workers all the way up to Director at DSS. Even one child is to many. No one is supposed to be above the law. No one. We need DSS oversight that’s proactive not reactive for you guys to fix the accountability issues. State wide analytics. How is a judge ruling? Are they giving custody to mom 83 percent of the time or dad? Court clerks could easily keep anonymous tally’s as they file each case. Statewide 50/50 equal shared parenting as the presumption starting point. Take the chaos and conflict out of the family courts. It’s proven to work in Kentucky and Arkansas. Reform the Form 14 that is stacked against the non custodial parent even if they have equal parenting time. Poor people shouldn’t lose their children. The legislature is tasked to set the laws and guidelines of the judiciary. We need accountability. The agencies and courts have demeaned your authority. Nobody likes corruption concerning children. Reform the judicial accountability process. There is no way to achieve justice if the state overrides your parental roles and rights. It’s not supposed to be elites vs the parents. Why aren’t we rehabilitating and giving equality to parents instead of being punitive to allow abuse to happen elsewhere? If this means you have to strip judicial immunity for everyone but the judge then so be it. New Mexico and Colorado already have done it. GAL (guardian ad litem) reform. They are not crime overlords. They’re supposed to help children not give them to the parent that makes the most chaos so billable hours can continue for years to come. To close, there isn’t a system in place that hasn’t been corrupted for Missouri children just to make a dollar and it all must be reformed. I’m looking forward to the safeguards that will be put in place to restore the state of Missouri from constantly having DSS and family court corruption in the news. Thank you again for your time and dedication to fix this issue and it’s extreme urgency. I look forward to working with all Missourians to find common sense solutions and will answer any questions the committee may have. Thank you.


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